Absence Reporting

One of Blue River Career Programs’ goals is to provide students with relevant and timely hands-on technical training in their chosen field. Most of our technical classes are nearly three (3) hours in length which are three (3) times longer than a regular high school class. Therefore, it is essential that students be in attendance regularly.

Without regular attendance at school, students cannot take full advantage of the learning opportunities necessary for their full development as individuals and citizens. It has been shown that students who have good attendance records achieve higher grades, enjoy school more, and are more employable after leaving school. Students who do not attend school cannot be taught, and those who come late to class interrupt instruction for themselves and others. The student and his/her family or legal guardian has the primary responsibility for ensuring attendance at school.

Business, industry and the professions demand a high level of attendance and time-on task. Students are expected to be in attendance each day that Blue River Career Programs’ classes are in session, regardless of the home school schedule. Student absences will be reflected in the student’s grade in his/her particular class. It is important for students, parents, and/or legal guardians to understand that there may be consequences for any unexcused absences from school.

Please make every effort to attend classes and be prepared to engage in a learning environment ready to work safely. BRCP is an elective high school course for students. The student’s permanent record of attendance is recorded at the student’s home school. Thus, a student who is absent at BRCP will be held accountable for absences by their sending high school as well as BRCP. It is important, if possible, to schedule doctor’s appointments and family events outside of class time. If an absence is unavoidable, it is very important that a parent or legal guardian call Blue River Career Programs before 9 a.m. at 317.392.4191, press #3 to report the student’s absence. A parent or legal guardian should also report the absence to the student’s home school. Parents need to check and/or update phone number information with sending schools as they should receive calls from the high school every day a student misses BRCP. Failure of a parent to call BRCP will be communicated by BRCP as an unexcused absence to student’s sending high school.

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