Special Governing Board Meeting Minutes Nov. 15th 2019



November 15th, 2019

The Blue River Career Programs’ Governing Board met in Special Session Friday November 15th, 2019 at 8:30 am.in the board meeting room at Blue River Career Center, 801 St. Joseph Street Shelbyville, In.

Board members present were, David Finkel, and Mark Nigh. Superintendents present were Mary Harper, Chris Hoke, Michelle Moore and Paula Maurer. Also present were Dennis Harrold, Corporation Attorney; Sandy Hensley, Corporation Treasurer; Jody Tompkins, Administrative Assistant and Steve Shaw, Director.

Paula Maurer voted in the absence of Travis Beck, Chris Hoke voted in the absence of Vince Sanders.

Recognize Guests and Ask for comments from the Audience

None were present.

Action Item

Collective Public Meeting Notice-Ratification for Bargaining Agreement

The Blue River Career Programs Board met in Special Session to discuss and vote on the acceptance of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between The Board of Directors of the Blue River Career Programs and the Blue River Career Programs Teachers Association. All members had an opportunity to review the contract prior to the meeting. Mark Nigh asked Board Members for their input. Chris Hoke commented that the contract was fair.

Mark Nigh moved to approve the contract. Paula Maurer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Shaw asked for input from the board members regarding BRCP remaining in session on Nov. 19th, which is the Red for Ed Day. He stated that we do not have any instructors who plan to attend that, but that Shelbyville Schools will be closed due to a shortage of teachers that day. Normally we follow the SCS schedule but this is an unscheduled event. He asked the preferences of the board. It was determined that BRCP should stay open on Nov. 19th. SCS will be in session on January 20 as a makeup day but BRCP will not be open on January 20. All students are expected to attend BRCP classes even if their school is not in session.

Comments from board members



The meeting adjourned at 12:38 a.m.

The next regular board meeting is 12/9/2019 at 12:00 pm. An Executive Session will be held at 12:30 p.m. following the regular Board Meeting.

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